Introducing our EMF STOP Pendant
Traditional Chinese Medicine meets Modern Technology
Introducing our EMF STOP Pendant
Traditional Chinese Medicine meets Modern Technology
Traditional Chinese Medicine meets Modern Technology
Traditional Chinese Medicine meets Modern Technology
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A complete elimination of EMF short of an extreme EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) flare is impossible. Other companies shamelessly offer total solutions, including bracelets, pendants, magic fabric shields, cell phone stickers...and countless other random products.
The sad part is people are looking for real solutions to a very real issue. The same companies that sell "EMF cellphone-blocking stickers" will also sell "EMF-blocking bracelets" as a complementary product. Why would you need to buy cellphone blocking stickers (which don't reduce EMF as the cellphone signal remains the same) if the bracelet is a total personal shielding device?
What the "blocking" companies get right is the issue of EMF over-exposure. However, I have not found any total body solution to exist as this would be an impossible task short of living in a hermetically sealed copper box. There is fundamentally no way to eliminate total body exposure but we can choose a strategic location on our body where we can wear a shielding device to STOP synthetic EMF and RF radiation from penetrating...Welcome to EMF STOP a real scientifically based solution rooted in traditional wisdom!
The big tech companies make billions of dollars every year off their electronic devices, and their influential lobbyists spend millions of dollars making sure that you don’t hear about the dangers of EMF radiation.
Before big tech, there was big pharma. Today we have documentaries on Netflix exposing the truth behind how big pharma sales representatives influenced doctors to push medications. Medications that led to addiction and abuse of healthcare. Netflix’s show Painkiller exposed how science was ignored by the FDA in its drug approval process for the highly addictive opioid painkiller...OxyContin.
“Delayed absorption, as provided by OxyContin tablets, is believed to reduce the abuse liability of the drug.” OxyContin Package Insert, 1996
This false unscientific sentence was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which helped to create the opioid crisis that has caused millions of drug overdose deaths across America.
Who are the people in charge of regulating big tech today? The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) or as America's most prestigious university, Harvard, calls them a "Captured Agency".
"A detailed look at FCC actions—and non-actions—shows that over the years the FCC has granted the wireless industry pretty much what it has wanted. Money—and lots of it—has played a part.
As research director for the non-profit Environmental Working Group, Sharp was able to express her concerns that lax FCC standards on radiation from wireless technologies were especially hazardous for children."
Find out more: How the Federal Communications Commission Is Dominated by the Industries It Presumably Regulates
In other countries, measures are being taken to protect people from EMF exposure. For example, WIFI has been banned in nurseries, schools, kindergartens, and childcare centers across France for children under the age of six. The International Agency for Research on Cancer even considers EMF “possibly carcinogenic”.
The scientific truth is that humans are magnetic beings (measured by HMF) and our bodies run on electrical signals (measured by ECG or EKG). However synthetic man-made EMFs interrupt those signals and cause stress on the physiological level.
Long-term EMF exposure damages pretty much everything over time – brain, skin, hormones, DNA, and immunity. In 2021 a study was published by UC Berkeley where researchers drew a strong link between cell phone radiation and tumors, particularly in the brain. Researchers took a comprehensive look at statistical findings from 46 different studies around the globe and found that the use of a cell phone for more than 1,000 hours, or about 17 minutes a day over ten years, increased the risk of tumors by 60%.
No wonder rates of insomnia, ADHD, anxiety, depression, and even cancer keep rising as the level of EMF exposure increases...and unfortunately for us, it's only getting WORSE.
You want to protect yourself and your family from the harmful effects of EMF radiation because you know the damage it’s doing, and you are aware that as our exposure to EMFs increases, so do health concerns.
Yes, there are many EMF “solutions” that promise total personal protection or recommend installing complicated home protection systems, spending thousands of dollars on devices, that still allow you to use your WiFi and make phone calls within your home. These products never seem to explain the mechanism of action. How do they work if I am still bombarded by WiFi signals all day long inside my home?
EMF STOP is committed to providing real solutions for the very real problem of EMF exposure.
Find out more: EMF STOP Pendant
If you are concerned about electromagnetic fields, you know how much information is out there. Or, should I say, misinformation. I committed two years ago that I would become the guy to understand this topic fully. I decided to read the books, watch the videos, buy the products, learn how they work, and gain the knowledge out there on EMF.
This website would have looked a lot different two years ago. Now that I have a little more maturity, a lot more knowledge, and have listened to experts and those seeking help, I know what I am doing as opposed to two years ago. I can tell you personally that most of the information out there surrounding EMF is FALSE.
Whether you are new to EMF reduction, have been around this topic for a while, or have fully mastered it...I want us to go to the next level together. The first thing we have to get right is our MINDSET. We have to become EMF knowledgeable, and we have to get our mindset right around this topic.
It's all about MITIGATION and RECOVERY.
If you are satisfied with your level of EMF exposure, and with the level of EMF mitigation you have invested in currently, then there is no reason to go any further. If you know you could do more and recovery is possible, then EMF STOP is here, let's work together to improve our future conditions.
Curious? Learn more about us below:
The EMF STOP Pendant isn’t a magic EMF total blocking solution or new-age nonsense. Our approach is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and modern science. Electronic devices put out a constant stream of synthetic/man-made electromagnetic radiation. Our pendant is made of a surgical stainless steel exterior along with a magnetic core.
Our acupuncture magnets are positioned to specifically shield the most vital part of your body, your heart.
The scientific reality is that your heart is your body's main electrical motor and your human magnetic field generator.
The EMF STOP Pendant creates a barrier of protection on top of your heart to reflect foreign electrical interferences produced by the electronic devices. Think of it as similar to a small version of a lead vest used to shield you against X-rays at the dentist's office, different materials but similar in principle.
Our pendant neutralizes the frequencies from EMF radiation, giving you an invisible “shield", that protects you wherever you go. We placed three acupuncture magnets in the core of the pendant, which is designed to harmonize your Human magnetic field with that of Earth's magnetic field, resulting in the balance of energy levels. The idea of magnetic harmony is theoretical at this point; however, we believe it to be effective and noticeable.
The best way to describe it would be clarity by subtraction—you have to experience it for yourself!
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We want to help you to the degree you are willing to help yourself. If you are not going to make any changes, put a sign on your wall...I have no desire for change! I'm good, I'm finished, and it can't get any better.
Sorry for the tough love but the truth is you are done if you don't make any changes. You need to be the one who wants to change your conditions and your environment. Hoping and wishing aren't enough. You must take action towards mitigation and recovery to create a better future your heart knows is possible. Start today with the EMF STOP pendant.
Take action and congratulations on doing so!